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Anaïs Diya-Carré

Anaïs Diya-Carré is a member of the Paris Bar and joined YL Avocats in 2024. 

After graduating from the Sciences Po Paris Law School (Master “Legal and Judiciary Career”), Anaïs trained with leading criminal lawyers and judges of the Tribunal judiciaire of Paris and the Paris Court of Appeals. 

Anaïs Diya-Carré is involved in all of the firm’s cases, both in criminal law and business litigation. 

She regularly works in English and Spanish. 

Work experience

• Huc-Morel Labrousse Avocats, trainee, 2023
• Cour d'appel de Paris (Pôle 2 - économique et financier), trainee, 2022
• Tribunal judiciaire de Paris (Section S1 du parquet et 11e et 32e chambre correctionnelle), 2021-2022, lawyer


• Master “Legal and Judiciary Career, SciencesPo Paris, 2020
• Queen's University, Canada, 2017
• Bachelor’s degree from SciencesPo Paris, 2017





Business Litigation
Unfair competition
An international company observed a sudden diversion of a portion of its clientele following the departure of one of its employees to a competitor located within the same geographical sector. YL Avocats has been engaged to put an end to the contentious practice and seek compensation for the damages incurred.
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Business Litigation
Unfair competition
A disruptive company in the co-ownership management sector is brought to court on an summary proceedings by a representative association of traditional co-ownership management companies to cease an advertising campaign, particularly in metro stations, and to redress an alleged significant harm.
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Business Litigation
Contractual Non-Performance
A Chinese import/export company had placed an order for medical equipment in the context of the COVID-19 health crisis (three million thermometers). The contracting company had received a substantial down payment but had never delivered the thermometers and had ceased all communication. YL Avocats was engaged to recover the down payment.
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Business Litigation
Unfair competition
A leading online insurance brokerage company was the subject of negative and troubling online reviews on a website created by a competitor. YL Avocats filed a summons on short notice (summary proceedings) to prompt the commercial court to quickly address the violations identified by YL Avocats.
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Business Litigation
Business Interruption
An international company has a branch located in close proximity to the Grand Paris Express construction works. These works have significantly impacted its operations and revenue.
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Business Litigation
Shareholder Dispute
A healthcare professional is in a dispute with their associate. In the professional association agreement they signed, a non-competition and non-reestablishment clause is included. Given the context of the dispute, this clause triggered issuess for the client's future career.
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Business Litigation
Shareholder Dispute
A consulting company finds one of its subsidiaries, in which it holds a majority stake and of which it is the president, being locked down in its operations and attempts to repurchase it. There was a human and procedural deadlock between the parent company and the subsidiary.
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General Criminal Cases
Cyberbullying (“Mila’s case”)
In the context of the trial of the Mila case, YL Avocats represented one of the defendants. The latter was accused of cyberbullying and death threats.
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General Criminal Cases
Embezzlement & Financing of Terrorism
A mother is placed under investigation for embezzlement and financing of terrorism. She was notably accused of sending modest sums of money to her daughter, who had left while still a minor and was under the influence of a radicalized individual. YL Avocats is representing her defense and, during the investigative phase, filed a motion for annulment.
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White-Collar Cases
Antitrust Violation
A leader of a large company is placed under investigation for involvement in an offense related to competition law (Article L420-6 of the Commercial Code). YL Law Firm has significant expertise in cases involving competition law issues and is well-versed in the new jurisdiction of the financial division concerning competition offenses.
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White-Collar Cases
Complicity in Corruption
The sister of an investment fund executive is placed under investigation for complicity in private corruption, money laundering of private corruption, and receiving stolen private corruption funds involving amounts in the millions of euros. Assets are seized as part of the investigation. We successfully obtained the cancellation of all charges related to corruption in the investigation.
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Exceptional Criminal Cases
Terrorist Attack Plot
In the case known as the "Elysée Palace bombing" YL Law Firm intervened in the defense. We quickly identified an issue of fairness in the search for evidence, considering that the coordinated action of cyber infiltration and physical infiltration had contributed to highlighting the terrorist plot and influencing a minor to associate with the project.
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Exceptional Criminal Cases
War Crime
Following coordinated efforts between the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), la Ligue des Droits de l’Homme, and the Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression, a former spokesperson for the Syrian armed group Jaysh Al Islam was placed under investigation in January 2020 for complicity in forced disappearances, war crimes, torture, and complicity in these crimes.
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White-Collar Cases
Public Corruption
The leader of a prominent private investigation agency was placed under investigation, primarily for acts of active corruption involving public officials.
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White-Collar Cases
Embezzlement of Public Funds
YL Avocats is representing a former notary in the case known as the "ill-gotten gains" case, which is directed at a former president and his family from a Central African Republic.
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Exceptional Criminal Cases
Terrorism (the Barjols’ case)
A young adult was apprehended by the Directorate-General for Internal Security (DGSI) for his involvement in a widely publicized terrorist conspiracy project. He was accused of plotting an assassination attempt against the President of the Republic in 2018.
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General Criminal Cases
Cold Case (affaire Bardon – Kulik)
YL Avocats law firm is representing the sole defendant in one of the most complex and high-profile criminal cases of the past thirty years.
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General Criminal Cases
Organized Crime
A client of the YL Avocats law firm is suspected of participating in a criminal conspiracy with the intent to prepare an assassination. The facts are strongly contested, and the case is highly sensitive. The law firm represents the individual from the beginning of their custody.
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General Criminal Cases
Press Offense and Cyber Harassment
A hospital department head is implicated in a press offense following a widely circulated television appearance that gained traction on social media and was endorsed by various public figures in France and abroad. The client is simultaneously subjected to an online harassment and threats campaign.
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Business Litigation
Online Reviews
A leading insurance brokerage company observed highly negative and stereotyped reviews on an online review platform managed by one of its competitors.
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